Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ballet class

I have a client who asked me for some special ballet leotards for her dolls. She purchased an authentic Freed of London ballet leotard for me to turn into 2 doll size leotards. I was pretty nervous to cut into it, there being just enough for two tiny leos. No second chances here. Also nervous because I'd never made a ballet leotard before, especially one (two) this small. I had to make my own pattern, as usual. They need to be stretchy and fit well, they need to be tough and pretty. I used every stretchy stitch and tricky knit sewing technique I have in my arsenal and hot damn it came out pretty perfect. 98% perfect if you ask me. It goes on feet first like a real ballet leotard. Now I just need to make the second one.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic work!


Colette said...

It looks perfect! Sonali looks ready to jump into Year 8 at the RBS. I'm sorry it was such difficult to deal with, but as always, I have complete confidence in you.


Anonymous said...

Are you still making these? If so how much would they cost?

Craig said...

Thank you Mel, I am not currently sewing for dolls.

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